Item Description
Item Description:This is a great nbsp auction of the nbsp Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars . nbsp It includes such highlights as the spectacular artwork of nbsp Mike Zeck, the awesome nbsp writing of Jim Shooter, and the alien symbiote that would later become Venom nbsp This book has been signed by Zeck as well as Spider-Man creator and Marvel s chairman emeritus, Stan The Man Lee nbsp The book has been CGC graded at . and is part of their signature series
Shipping Information:
Domestic shipping:
The book will be sent via priority mail, on my dime, or you can pay for express. nbsp A tracking number for the package will be emailed to you by Paypal, upon printing of the shipping label.
International shipping:
Buyer has their choice of express or priority mail, if USPS will insure it. nbsp The post office no longer offers economy surface mail. nbsp All packages are required to be insured. nbsp As such, I can not use first class or m bag mail classes for mailing. nbsp This also means that is USPS will not allow insurance for priority mail, then your only shipping option is express mail. nbsp Visit the USPS website for more information nbsp on countries particular parcel rules. nbsp nbsp International bidders are responsible for any and all tariffs, taxes, VATs, duties, etc. assigned by custom authorities. nbsp In accordance with U.S. law, nbsp I must declare the full value of any item nbsp I ship and nbsp I can not declare items as a gift . nbsp Keep that in consideration, when placing your bids. If you have any other questions, please email me. nbsp nbsp Also, check out all of the other sets that I nbsp have up for nbsp
auction. nbsp nbsp Thanks for nbsp your interest nbsp and Happy Bidding
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