Item Description
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Daredevil CGC . SS Signed by Miller and Janson. I think it s safe to say that this book is THE crown jewel of Miller s oeuvre. It features the introduction of quite possibly Miller s greatest creation, and is Miller at the beginning of his great period, as he took over the writing chores for DD as of this issue. So not only is it an important issue in the DD and Miller runs, but it s also a BEAR to find in very high grade. The issue was poorly printed, and many, many copies feature black ink smears to varying degrees across the cover. It s just a tough, tough book to find in . , easily the most difficult in the run although, frankly, ALL the books from - are pretty tough in . . Add to that the fragile nature of Frank s health these days, and it s not likely you re going to have the opportunity to buy such a book very often. There are only . SS copies on the census, and they are NOT all Miller sigs. This has both Miller AND Janson. And, on top of that, the centering is near perfect It s really a can t lose in terms of collection prestige. Sure, the price is aggressive, but for a book like this, a pinnacle of the era, in the highest grade available, signed by Miller and Janson It s hard to discount. However, feel free to make an offer. This book deserves to go to a classic collection.DON T WASTE TIME IN THE CRAZINESS OF THE MALLS Buy this from home, the PERFECT gift for yourself, or the comic fan in your life, and it will be shipped right to your door
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