NYX nbsp / 00
CGC . Signature Series nbsp White pages nbsp
Signed by Josh Middleton cover artist
Nice perfect copy. Case perfect also. First appearance of Wolverine s daughter, X- .
No reserve. nbsp
Buyers set the price.
Excellent investment opportunity before it continues up even higher in value.
All books sealed in Gerber Mylite archive bags. nbsp See condition description section above describing bags. Photos of comic show CGC case out of bag, and within bag.
All books being offered at this time are from my personal collection. nbsp My entire collection is Mylite archived, catalogued, then placed in CGC issued boxes, which are then placed inside plastic tubs, nbsp surrounded in insulation foam sheeting, and finally kept shelved nbsp in temperature controlled cold storage. nbsp I plan for long term paper preservation. nbsp These are all choice books collected nbsp specifically nbsp for their quality over years. nbsp I have been grading, collecting, buying, trading, selling since .
All orders are carefully professionally packaged protected, and fully insured. No one wants their money back from a damaged book. nbsp They would rather have their new book arrive at their door safely so they may enjoy their new investment.
Thank you and happy bidding.
You took the time to bid, nbsp we will take the time to package properly
Combined shipping is available. See section two below, line . For purchases within days, with one payment, one mailing.
ATTENTION :Please be sure to ask any questions before purchasing as all sales are final. nbsp All shipped items require full value insurance, and that cost is included with the shipping quote with all of our auctions, no exceptions. nbsp Please be sure to read at least section one nbsp on auction policy. nbsp It is brief and meant to be quick. nbsp A more thorough itemization can be found in nbsp section two below, for they are all in part what you are buying. nbsp No exceptions. nbsp They are written for both yours and our protection. nbsp Keeping it simple everyone. nbsp :- nbsp
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Shipping is going USPS with delivery tracking and full insurance is included, nbsp or via Federal Express. nbsp Shipping via USPS or Fed Ex is at our discretion. nbsp Same costs apply. nbsp All orders include a small handling charge for shipping overhead. nbsp nbsp If package is lost or damaged, nbsp we will process the insurance claim, nbsp NOT stick you with it like others do unfairly online. nbsp They re not supposed to do that. nbsp We haven t lost one yet, nbsp or had one damaged after we send off with shipper, nbsp as they are properly packaged. nbsp We ve been doing professional shipping with all the major carriers and even trucking freight companies for over years so no worries. nbsp Proper packing materials are used and padding provided where common sense dictates. nbsp All items are packed as if we were sending to ourselves. nbsp Use the shipping calculator at the center of the page under the current auction price to check your local costs.
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nbsp Combined shipping nbsp : We are more than happy to combine shipping where we possibly can. nbsp Not all items are available for combined shipping. nbsp See auction general description details if it is possible for that particular auctions item. nbsp If nothing is mentioned in particular, nbsp Domestic, nbsp and International buyers, nbsp please be sure to inquire before you purchase or send payment, nbsp if in question. nbsp Auction winnings cannot be canceled if buyer disagrees with our decision on combined shipping, nbsp unless we jointly agree. nbsp Again, nbsp inquire before you buy. nbsp Shipping tracking turn around time nbsp : Most orders usually ship out within hours of payment clearing, nbsp if not less, nbsp during the business week Monday thru Friday. nbsp We may be in the middle of receiving and organizing fresh inventory and there may be a small delay in shipping new orders. nbsp This is a normal part of doing business as is anywhere else. nbsp If there should be what we feel as an extended amount of time in order to create a customers shipment, nbsp we will inform them of so. nbsp As for carrier shipping times, nbsp they vary on destination of course, nbsp type of service, nbsp and average one to two days in California, nbsp three days to the central states and up to four or five to the Eastern United States. nbsp All are approximate times of course for many reasons as mentioned, nbsp including but not limited to type of service purchased. nbsp Online tracking is provided with each parcel, nbsp and we will email you that information when we ship the parcel. nbsp If shipping arrival time frame is a concern, nbsp please inquire before purchasing. nbsp
nbsp Packing nbsp : nbsp All of our packages are created securely and if required will be with either bubble air cushioned wrap, nbsp paper, nbsp cardboard bracing, nbsp or styro peanuts to ensure proper cushioning for travel through any carrier service. We have run public shipping and packaging stores for years including foam injected freight with every major and minor carrier, so shipping alone, is a business for us.
nbsp Returns nbsp : All sales are final and there are no returns unless we sent the wrong shipment, nbsp or we failed grossly in representation of said item. If a return is validated by us, options will be discussed and those options may or may not include returning the entire or partial amount of item, shipping charges paid to us, and or return shipping charges. If any other item is sent, and damaged, please see insurance in sections , A, and B above. nbsp As with CGC certified graded books there are no surprises, and no returns regardless for you will know exactly what your bidding on due to the certification. nbsp
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