Item Description
import url . .0/css/font-awesome.min.css .m-0 margin:0 important .mt-0,.my-0 margin-top:0 important .mr-0,.mx-0 margin-right:0 important .mb-0,.my-0 margin-bottom:0 important .ml-0,.mx-0 margin-left:0 important .m- margin:. rem important .mt- ,.my- margin-top:. rem important .mr- ,.mx- margin-right:. rem important .mb- ,.my- margin-bottom:. rem important .ml- ,.mx- margin-left:. rem important .m- margin:. rem important .mt- ,.my- margin-top:. rem important .mr- ,.mx- margin-right:. rem important .mb- ,.my- margin-bottom:. rem important .ml- ,.mx- margin-left:. rem important .m- margin: rem important .mt- ,.my- margin-top: rem important .mr- ,.mx- margin-right: rem important .mb- ,.my- margin-bottom: rem important .ml- ,.mx- margin-left: rem important .m- margin: . rem important .mt- ,.my- margin-top: . rem important .mr- ,.mx- margin-right: . rem important .mb- ,.my- margin-bottom: . rem important .ml- ,.mx- margin-left: . rem important .m- margin: rem important .mt- ,.my- margin-top: rem important .mr- ,.mx- margin-right: rem important .mb- ,.my- margin-bottom: rem important .ml- ,.mx- margin-left: rem important .m- margin: . rem important .mt- ,.my- margin-top: . rem important .mr- ,.mx- margin-right: . rem important .mb- ,.my- margin-bottom: . rem important .ml- ,.mx- margin-left: . rem important .p-0 padding:0 important .pt-0,.py-0 padding-top:0 important .pr-0,.px-0 padding-right:0 important .pb-0,.py-0 padding-bottom:0 important .pl-0,.px-0 padding-left:0 important .p- padding:. rem important .pt- ,.py- padding-top:. rem important .pr- ,.px- padding-right:. rem important .pb- ,.py- padding-bottom:. rem important .pl- ,.px- padding-left:. rem important .p- padding:. rem important .pt- ,.py- padding-top:. rem important .pr- ,.px- padding-right:. rem important .pb- ,.py- padding-bottom:. rem important .pl- ,.px- padding-left:. rem important .p- padding: rem important .pt- ,.py- padding-top: rem important .pr- ,.px- padding-right: rem important .pb- ,.py- padding-bottom: rem important .pl- ,.px- padding-left: rem important .p- padding: . rem important .pt- ,.py- padding-top: . rem important .pr- ,.px- padding-right: . rem important .pb- ,.py- padding-bottom: . rem important .pl- ,.px- padding-left: . rem important .p- padding: rem important .pt- ,.py- padding-top: rem important .pr- ,.px- padding-right: rem important .pb- ,.py- padding-bottom: rem important .pl- ,.px- padding-left: rem important .p- padding: . rem important .pt- ,.py- padding-top: . rem important .pr- ,.px- padding-right: . rem important .pb- ,.py- padding-bottom: . rem important .pl- ,.px- padding-left: . rem important .m-n margin:-. rem important .mt-n ,.my-n margin-top:-. rem important .mr-n ,.mx-n margin-right:-. rem important .mb-n ,.my-n margin-bottom:-. rem important .ml-n ,.mx-n margin-left:-. rem important .m-n margin:-. rem important .mt-n ,.my-n margin-top:-. rem important .mr-n ,.mx-n margin-right:-. rem important .mb-n ,.my-n margin-bottom:-. rem important .ml-n ,.mx-n margin-left:-. rem important .m-n margin:- rem important .mt-n ,.my-n margin-top:- rem important .mr-n ,.mx-n margin-right:- rem important .mb-n ,.my-n margin-bottom:- rem important .ml-n ,.mx-n margin-left:- rem important .m-n margin:- . rem important .mt-n ,.my-n margin-top:- . rem important .mr-n ,.mx-n margin-right:- . rem important .mb-n ,.my-n margin-bottom:- . rem important .ml-n ,.mx-n margin-left:- . rem important .m-n margin:- rem important .mt-n ,.my-n margin-top:- rem important .mr-n ,.mx-n margin-right:- rem important .mb-n ,.my-n margin-bottom:- rem important .ml-n ,.mx-n margin-left:- rem important .m-n margin:- . rem important .mt-n ,.my-n margin-top:- . rem important .mr-n ,.mx-n margin-right:- . rem important .mb-n ,.my-n margin-bottom:- . rem important .ml-n ,.mx-n margin-left:- . rem important .m-auto margin:auto important .mt-auto,.my-auto margin-top:auto important .mr-auto,.mx-auto margin-right:auto important .mb-auto,.my-auto margin-bottom:auto important .ml-auto,.mx-auto margin-left:auto important media min-width: px .m-sm-0 margin:0 important .mt-sm-0,.my-sm-0 margin-top:0 important .mr-sm-0,.mx-sm-0 margin-right:0 important .mb-sm-0,.my-sm-0 margin-bottom:0 important .ml-sm-0,.mx-sm-0 margin-left:0 important .m-sm- margin:. rem important .mt-sm- ,.my-sm- margin-top:. rem important .mr-sm- ,.mx-sm- margin-right:. rem important .mb-sm- ,.my-sm- margin-bottom:. rem important .ml-sm- ,.mx-sm- margin-left:. rem important .m-sm- margin:. rem important .mt-sm- ,.my-sm- margin-top:. rem important .mr-sm- ,.mx-sm- margin-right:. rem important .mb-sm- ,.my-sm- margin-bottom:. rem important .ml-sm- ,.mx-sm- margin-left:. rem important .m-sm- margin: rem important .mt-sm- ,.my-sm- margin-top: rem important .mr-sm- ,.mx-sm- margin-right: rem important .mb-sm- ,.my-sm- margin-bottom: rem important .ml-sm- ,.mx-sm- margin-left: rem important .m-sm- margin: . rem important .mt-sm- ,.my-sm- margin-top: . rem important .mr-sm- ,.mx-sm- margin-right: . rem important .mb-sm- ,.my-sm- margin-bottom: . rem important .ml-sm- ,.mx-sm- margin-left: . rem important .m-sm- margin: rem important .mt-sm- ,.my-sm- margin-top: rem important .mr-sm- ,.mx-sm- margin-right: rem important .mb-sm- ,.my-sm- margin-bottom: rem important .ml-sm- ,.mx-sm- margin-left: rem important .m-sm- margin: . rem important .mt-sm- ,.my-sm- margin-top: . rem important .mr-sm- ,.mx-sm- margin-right: . rem important .mb-sm- ,.my-sm- margin-bottom: . rem important .ml-sm- ,.mx-sm- margin-left: . rem important .p-sm-0 padding:0 important .pt-sm-0,.py-sm-0 padding-top:0 important .pr-sm-0,.px-sm-0 padding-right:0 important .pb-sm-0,.py-sm-0 padding-bottom:0 important .pl-sm-0,.px-sm-0 padding-left:0 important .p-sm- padding:. rem important .pt-sm- ,.py-sm- padding-top:. rem important .pr-sm- ,.px-sm- padding-right:. rem important .pb-sm- ,.py-sm- padding-bottom:. rem important .pl-sm- ,.px-sm- padding-left:. rem important .p-sm- padding:. rem important .pt-sm- ,.py-sm- padding-top:. rem important .pr-sm- ,.px-sm- padding-right:. rem important .pb-sm- ,.py-sm- padding-bottom:. rem important .pl-sm- ,.px-sm- padding-left:. rem important .p-sm- padding: rem important .pt-sm- ,.py-sm- padding-top: rem important .pr-sm- ,.px-sm- padding-right: rem important .pb-sm- ,.py-sm- padding-bottom: rem important .pl-sm- ,.px-sm- padding-left: rem important .p-sm- padding: . rem important .pt-sm- ,.py-sm- padding-top: . rem important .pr-sm- ,.px-sm- padding-right: . rem important .pb-sm- ,.py-sm- padding-bottom: . rem important .pl-sm- ,.px-sm- padding-left: . rem important .p-sm- padding: rem important .pt-sm- ,.py-sm- padding-top: rem important .pr-sm- ,.px-sm- padding-right: rem important .pb-sm- ,.py-sm- padding-bottom: rem important .pl-sm- ,.px-sm- padding-left: rem important .p-sm- padding: . rem important .pt-sm- ,.py-sm- padding-top: . rem important .pr-sm- ,.px-sm- padding-right: . rem important .pb-sm- ,.py-sm- padding-bottom: . rem important .pl-sm- ,.px-sm- padding-left: . rem important .m-sm-n margin:-. rem important .mt-sm-n ,.my-sm-n margin-top:-. rem important .mr-sm-n ,.mx-sm-n margin-right:-. rem important .mb-sm-n ,.my-sm-n margin-bottom:-. rem important .ml-sm-n ,.mx-sm-n margin-left:-. rem important .m-sm-n margin:-. rem important .mt-sm-n ,.my-sm-n margin-top:-. rem important .mr-sm-n ,.mx-sm-n margin-right:-. rem important .mb-sm-n ,.my-sm-n margin-bottom:-. rem important .ml-sm-n ,.mx-sm-n margin-left:-. rem important .m-sm-n margin:- rem important .mt-sm-n ,.my-sm-n margin-top:- rem important .mr-sm-n ,.mx-sm-n margin-right:- rem important .mb-sm-n ,.my-sm-n margin-bottom:- rem important .ml-sm-n ,.mx-sm-n margin-left:- rem important .m-sm-n margin:- . rem important .mt-sm-n ,.my-sm-n margin-top:- . rem important .mr-sm-n ,.mx-sm-n margin-right:- . rem important .mb-sm-n ,.my-sm-n margin-bottom:- . rem important .ml-sm-n ,.mx-sm-n margin-left:- . rem important .m-sm-n margin:- rem important .mt-sm-n ,.my-sm-n margin-top:- rem important .mr-sm-n ,.mx-sm-n margin-right:- rem important .mb-sm-n ,.my-sm-n margin-bottom:- rem important .ml-sm-n ,.mx-sm-n margin-left:- rem important .m-sm-n margin:- . rem important .mt-sm-n ,.my-sm-n margin-top:- . rem important .mr-sm-n ,.mx-sm-n margin-right:- . rem important .mb-sm-n ,.my-sm-n margin-bottom:- . rem important .ml-sm-n ,.mx-sm-n margin-left:- . rem important .m-sm-auto margin:auto important .mt-sm-auto,.my-sm-auto margin-top:auto important .mr-sm-auto,.mx-sm-auto margin-right:auto important .mb-sm-auto,.my-sm-auto margin-bottom:auto important .ml-sm-auto,.mx-sm-auto margin-left:auto important media min-width: px .m-md-0 margin:0 important .mt-md-0,.my-md-0 margin-top:0 important .mr-md-0,.mx-md-0 margin-right:0 important .mb-md-0,.my-md-0 margin-bottom:0 important .ml-md-0,.mx-md-0 margin-left:0 important .m-md- margin:. rem important .mt-md- ,.my-md- margin-top:. rem important .mr-md- ,.mx-md- margin-right:. rem important .mb-md- ,.my-md- margin-bottom:. rem important .ml-md- ,.mx-md- margin-left:. rem important .m-md- margin:. rem important .mt-md- ,.my-md- margin-top:. rem important .mr-md- ,.mx-md- margin-right:. rem important .mb-md- ,.my-md- margin-bottom:. rem important .ml-md- ,.mx-md- margin-left:. rem important .m-md- margin: rem important .mt-md- ,.my-md- margin-top: rem important .mr-md- ,.mx-md- margin-right: rem important .mb-md- ,.my-md- margin-bottom: rem important .ml-md- ,.mx-md- margin-left: rem important .m-md- margin: . rem important .mt-md- ,.my-md- margin-top: . rem important .mr-md- ,.mx-md- margin-right: . rem important .mb-md- ,.my-md- margin-bottom: . rem important .ml-md- ,.mx-md- margin-left: . rem important .m-md- margin: rem important .mt-md- ,.my-md- margin-top: rem important .mr-md- ,.mx-md- margin-right: rem important .mb-md- ,.my-md- margin-bottom: rem important .ml-md- ,.mx-md- margin-left: rem important .m-md- margin: . rem important .mt-md- ,.my-md- margin-top: . rem important .mr-md- ,.mx-md- margin-right: . rem important .mb-md- ,.my-md- margin-bottom: . rem important .ml-md- ,.mx-md- margin-left: . rem important .p-md-0 padding:0 important .pt-md-0,.py-md-0 padding-top:0 important .pr-md-0,.px-md-0 padding-right:0 important .pb-md-0,.py-md-0 padding-bottom:0 important .pl-md-0,.px-md-0 padding-left:0 important .p-md- padding:. rem important .pt-md- ,.py-md- padding-top:. rem important .pr-md- ,.px-md- padding-right:. rem important .pb-md- ,.py-md- padding-bottom:. rem important .pl-md- ,.px-md- padding-left:. rem important .p-md- padding:. rem important .pt-md- ,.py-md- padding-top:. rem important .pr-md- ,.px-md- padding-right:. rem important .pb-md- ,.py-md- padding-bottom:. rem important .pl-md- ,.px-md- padding-left:. rem important .p-md- padding: rem important .pt-md- ,.py-md- padding-top: rem important .pr-md- ,.px-md- padding-right: rem important .pb-md- ,.py-md- padding-bottom: rem important .pl-md- ,.px-md- padding-left: rem important .p-md- padding: . rem important .pt-md- ,.py-md- padding-top: . rem important .pr-md- ,.px-md- padding-right: . rem important .pb-md- ,.py-md- padding-bottom: . rem important .pl-md- ,.px-md- padding-left: . rem important .p-md- padding: rem important .pt-md- ,.py-md- padding-top: rem important .pr-md- ,.px-md- padding-right: rem important .pb-md- ,.py-md- padding-bottom: rem important .pl-md- ,.px-md- padding-left: rem important .p-md- padding: . rem important .pt-md- ,.py-md- padding-top: . rem important .pr-md- ,.px-md- padding-right: . rem important .pb-md- ,.py-md- padding-bottom: . rem important .pl-md- ,.px-md- padding-left: . rem important .m-md-n margin:-. rem important .mt-md-n ,.my-md-n margin-top:-. rem important .mr-md-n ,.mx-md-n margin-right:-. rem important .mb-md-n ,.my-md-n margin-bottom:-. rem important .ml-md-n ,.mx-md-n margin-left:-. rem important .m-md-n margin:-. rem important .mt-md-n ,.my-md-n margin-top:-. rem important .mr-md-n ,.mx-md-n margin-right:-. rem important .mb-md-n ,.my-md-n margin-bottom:-. rem important .ml-md-n ,.mx-md-n margin-left:-. rem important .m-md-n margin:- rem important .mt-md-n ,.my-md-n margin-top:- rem important .mr-md-n ,.mx-md-n margin-right:- rem important .mb-md-n ,.my-md-n margin-bottom:- rem important .ml-md-n ,.mx-md-n margin-left:- rem important .m-md-n margin:- . rem important .mt-md-n ,.my-md-n margin-top:- . rem important .mr-md-n ,.mx-md-n margin-right:- . rem important .mb-md-n ,.my-md-n margin-bottom:- . rem important .ml-md-n ,.mx-md-n margin-left:- . rem important .m-md-n margin:- rem important .mt-md-n ,.my-md-n margin-top:- rem important .mr-md-n ,.mx-md-n margin-right:- rem important .mb-md-n ,.my-md-n margin-bottom:- rem important .ml-md-n ,.mx-md-n margin-left:- rem important .m-md-n margin:- . rem important .mt-md-n ,.my-md-n margin-top:- . rem important .mr-md-n ,.mx-md-n margin-right:- . rem important .mb-md-n ,.my-md-n margin-bottom:- . rem important .ml-md-n ,.mx-md-n margin-left:- . rem important .m-md-auto margin:auto important .mt-md-auto,.my-md-auto margin-top:auto important .mr-md-auto,.mx-md-auto margin-right:auto important .mb-md-auto,.my-md-auto margin-bottom:auto important .ml-md-auto,.mx-md-auto margin-left:auto important media min-width: 0px .m-lg-0 margin:0 important .mt-lg-0,.my-lg-0 margin-top:0 important .mr-lg-0,.mx-lg-0 margin-right:0 important .mb-lg-0,.my-lg-0 margin-bottom:0 important .ml-lg-0,.mx-lg-0 margin-left:0 important .m-lg- margin:. rem important .mt-lg- ,.my-lg- margin-top:. rem important .mr-lg- ,.mx-lg- margin-right:. rem important .mb-lg- ,.my-lg- margin-bottom:. rem important .ml-lg- ,.mx-lg- margin-left:. rem important .m-lg- margin:. rem important .mt-lg- ,.my-lg- margin-top:. rem important .mr-lg- ,.mx-lg- margin-right:. rem important .mb-lg- ,.my-lg- margin-bottom:. rem important .ml-lg- ,.mx-lg- margin-left:. rem important .m-lg- margin: rem important .mt-lg- ,.my-lg- margin-top: rem important .mr-lg- ,.mx-lg- margin-right: rem important .mb-lg- ,.my-lg- margin-bottom: rem important .ml-lg- ,.mx-lg- margin-left: rem important .m-lg- margin: . rem important .mt-lg- ,.my-lg- margin-top: . rem important .mr-lg- ,.mx-lg- margin-right: . rem important .mb-lg- ,.my-lg- margin-bottom: . rem important .ml-lg- ,.mx-lg- margin-left: . rem important .m-lg- margin: rem important .mt-lg- ,.my-lg- margin-top: rem important .mr-lg- ,.mx-lg- margin-right: rem important .mb-lg- ,.my-lg- margin-bottom: rem important .ml-lg- ,.mx-lg- margin-left: rem important .m-lg- margin: . rem important .mt-lg- ,.my-lg- margin-top: . rem important .mr-lg- ,.mx-lg- margin-right: . rem important .mb-lg- ,.my-lg- margin-bottom: . rem important .ml-lg- ,.mx-lg- margin-left: . rem important .p-lg-0 padding:0 important .pt-lg-0,.py-lg-0 padding-top:0 important .pr-lg-0,.px-lg-0 padding-right:0 important .pb-lg-0,.py-lg-0 padding-bottom:0 important .pl-lg-0,.px-lg-0 padding-left:0 important .p-lg- padding:. rem important .pt-lg- ,.py-lg- padding-top:. rem important .pr-lg- ,.px-lg- padding-right:. rem important .pb-lg- ,.py-lg- padding-bottom:. rem important .pl-lg- ,.px-lg- padding-left:. rem important .p-lg- padding:. rem important .pt-lg- ,.py-lg- padding-top:. rem important .pr-lg- ,.px-lg- padding-right:. rem important .pb-lg- ,.py-lg- padding-bottom:. rem important .pl-lg- ,.px-lg- padding-left:. rem important .p-lg- padding: rem important .pt-lg- ,.py-lg- padding-top: rem important .pr-lg- ,.px-lg- padding-right: rem important .pb-lg- ,.py-lg- padding-bottom: rem important .pl-lg- ,.px-lg- padding-left: rem important .p-lg- padding: . rem important .pt-lg- ,.py-lg- padding-top: . rem important .pr-lg- ,.px-lg- padding-right: . rem important .pb-lg- ,.py-lg- padding-bottom: . rem important .pl-lg- ,.px-lg- padding-left: . rem important .p-lg- padding: rem important .pt-lg- ,.py-lg- padding-top: rem important .pr-lg- ,.px-lg- padding-right: rem important .pb-lg- ,.py-lg- padding-bottom: rem important .pl-lg- ,.px-lg- padding-left: rem important .p-lg- padding: . rem important .pt-lg- ,.py-lg- padding-top: . rem important .pr-lg- ,.px-lg- padding-right: . rem important .pb-lg- ,.py-lg- padding-bottom: . rem important .pl-lg- ,.px-lg- padding-left: . rem important .m-lg-n margin:-. rem important .mt-lg-n ,.my-lg-n margin-top:-. rem important .mr-lg-n ,.mx-lg-n margin-right:-. rem important .mb-lg-n ,.my-lg-n margin-bottom:-. rem important .ml-lg-n ,.mx-lg-n margin-left:-. rem important .m-lg-n margin:-. rem important .mt-lg-n ,.my-lg-n margin-top:-. rem important .mr-lg-n ,.mx-lg-n margin-right:-. rem important .mb-lg-n ,.my-lg-n margin-bottom:-. rem important .ml-lg-n ,.mx-lg-n margin-left:-. rem important .m-lg-n margin:- rem important .mt-lg-n ,.my-lg-n margin-top:- rem important .mr-lg-n ,.mx-lg-n margin-right:- rem important .mb-lg-n ,.my-lg-n margin-bottom:- rem important .ml-lg-n ,.mx-lg-n margin-left:- rem important .m-lg-n margin:- . rem important .mt-lg-n ,.my-lg-n margin-top:- . rem important .mr-lg-n ,.mx-lg-n margin-right:- . rem important .mb-lg-n ,.my-lg-n margin-bottom:- . rem important .ml-lg-n ,.mx-lg-n margin-left:- . rem important .m-lg-n margin:- rem important .mt-lg-n ,.my-lg-n margin-top:- rem important .mr-lg-n ,.mx-lg-n margin-right:- rem important .mb-lg-n ,.my-lg-n margin-bottom:- rem important .ml-lg-n ,.mx-lg-n margin-left:- rem important .m-lg-n margin:- . rem important .mt-lg-n ,.my-lg-n margin-top:- . rem important .mr-lg-n ,.mx-lg-n margin-right:- . rem important .mb-lg-n ,.my-lg-n margin-bottom:- . rem important .ml-lg-n ,.mx-lg-n margin-left:- . rem important .m-lg-auto margin:auto important .mt-lg-auto,.my-lg-auto margin-top:auto important .mr-lg-auto,.mx-lg-auto margin-right:auto important .mb-lg-auto,.my-lg-auto margin-bottom:auto important .ml-lg-auto,.mx-lg-auto margin-left:auto important media min-width: 0px .m-xl-0 margin:0 important .mt-xl-0,.my-xl-0 margin-top:0 important .mr-xl-0,.mx-xl-0 margin-right:0 important .mb-xl-0,.my-xl-0 margin-bottom:0 important .ml-xl-0,.mx-xl-0 margin-left:0 important .m-xl- margin:. rem important .mt-xl- ,.my-xl- margin-top:. rem important .mr-xl- ,.mx-xl- margin-right:. rem important .mb-xl- ,.my-xl- margin-bottom:. rem important .ml-xl- ,.mx-xl- margin-left:. rem important .m-xl- margin:. rem important .mt-xl- ,.my-xl- margin-top:. rem important .mr-xl- ,.mx-xl- margin-right:. rem important .mb-xl- ,.my-xl- margin-bottom:. rem important .ml-xl- ,.mx-xl- margin-left:. rem important .m-xl- margin: rem important .mt-xl- ,.my-xl- margin-top: rem important .mr-xl- ,.mx-xl- margin-right: rem important .mb-xl- ,.my-xl- margin-bottom: rem important .ml-xl- ,.mx-xl- margin-left: rem important .m-xl- margin: . rem important .mt-xl- ,.my-xl- margin-top: . rem important .mr-xl- ,.mx-xl- margin-right: . rem important .mb-xl- ,.my-xl- margin-bottom: . rem important .ml-xl- ,.mx-xl- margin-left: . rem important .m-xl- margin: rem important .mt-xl- ,.my-xl- margin-top: rem important .mr-xl- ,.mx-xl- margin-right: rem important .mb-xl- ,.my-xl- margin-bottom: rem important .ml-xl- ,.mx-xl- margin-left: rem important .m-xl- margin: . rem important .mt-xl- ,.my-xl- margin-top: . rem important .mr-xl- ,.mx-xl- margin-right: . rem important .mb-xl- ,.my-xl- margin-bottom: . rem important .ml-xl- ,.mx-xl- margin-left: . rem important .p-xl-0 padding:0 important .pt-xl-0,.py-xl-0 padding-top:0 important .pr-xl-0,.px-xl-0 padding-right:0 important .pb-xl-0,.py-xl-0 padding-bottom:0 important .pl-xl-0,.px-xl-0 padding-left:0 important .p-xl- padding:. rem important .pt-xl- ,.py-xl- padding-top:. rem important .pr-xl- ,.px-xl- padding-right:. rem important .pb-xl- ,.py-xl- padding-bottom:. rem important .pl-xl- ,.px-xl- padding-left:. rem important .p-xl- padding:. rem important .pt-xl- ,.py-xl- padding-top:. rem important .pr-xl- ,.px-xl- padding-right:. rem important .pb-xl- ,.py-xl- padding-bottom:. rem important .pl-xl- ,.px-xl- padding-left:. rem important .p-xl- padding: rem important .pt-xl- ,.py-xl- padding-top: rem important .pr-xl- ,.px-xl- padding-right: rem important .pb-xl- ,.py-xl- padding-bottom: rem important .pl-xl- ,.px-xl- padding-left: rem important .p-xl- padding: . rem important .pt-xl- ,.py-xl- padding-top: . rem important .pr-xl- ,.px-xl- padding-right: . rem important .pb-xl- ,.py-xl- padding-bottom: . rem important .pl-xl- ,.px-xl- padding-left: . rem important .p-xl- padding: rem important .pt-xl- ,.py-xl- padding-top: rem important .pr-xl- ,.px-xl- padding-right: rem important .pb-xl- ,.py-xl- padding-bottom: rem important .pl-xl- ,.px-xl- padding-left: rem important .p-xl- padding: . rem important .pt-xl- ,.py-xl- padding-top: . rem important .pr-xl- ,.px-xl- padding-right: . rem important .pb-xl- ,.py-xl- padding-bottom: . rem important .pl-xl- ,.px-xl- padding-left: . rem important .m-xl-n margin:-. rem important .mt-xl-n ,.my-xl-n margin-top:-. rem important .mr-xl-n ,.mx-xl-n margin-right:-. rem important .mb-xl-n ,.my-xl-n margin-bottom:-. rem important .ml-xl-n ,.mx-xl-n margin-left:-. rem important .m-xl-n margin:-. rem important .mt-xl-n ,.my-xl-n margin-top:-. rem important .mr-xl-n ,.mx-xl-n margin-right:-. rem important .mb-xl-n ,.my-xl-n margin-bottom:-. rem important .ml-xl-n ,.mx-xl-n margin-left:-. rem important .m-xl-n margin:- rem important .mt-xl-n ,.my-xl-n margin-top:- rem important .mr-xl-n ,.mx-xl-n margin-right:- rem important .mb-xl-n ,.my-xl-n margin-bottom:- rem important .ml-xl-n ,.mx-xl-n margin-left:- rem important .m-xl-n margin:- . rem important .mt-xl-n ,.my-xl-n margin-top:- . rem important .mr-xl-n ,.mx-xl-n margin-right:- . rem important .mb-xl-n ,.my-xl-n margin-bottom:- . rem important .ml-xl-n ,.mx-xl-n margin-left:- . rem important .m-xl-n margin:- rem important .mt-xl-n ,.my-xl-n margin-top:- rem important .mr-xl-n ,.mx-xl-n margin-right:- rem important .mb-xl-n ,.my-xl-n margin-bottom:- rem important .ml-xl-n ,.mx-xl-n margin-left:- rem important 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0 0 Premier Auction
,000 Lots
Currently Accepting Consignments to: 0 0 Premier Auction
Consignment Deadline November 0th
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Closing Dates Tue / 0 - pm PST: Baseball - Wed / - pm PST: Baseball 0 - Thu / - pm PST: Baseball 0 - 00 Sun / - pm PST: Baseball 00 - 0 0 Mon / - pm PST: Basketball - Tue / - pm PST: Basketball - 0 Wed / - pm PST: Basketball 0 - 0 0 Thu / - pm PST: Football - Sun / - pm PST: Football 000 - 0 0 Mon / - pm PST: Hockey, Misc-Sport Tue / - pm PST: Non-Sport, Magic MTG, Memorabilia Wed / - pm PST: Pok mon Thanksgiving Break Sun / - pm PST: Round , Day Mon / 0 - pm PST: Round , Day
0 Statabase Beckett Basketball Card Magazine w/ Michael Jordan CGC . One of over ,000 cards, lots and sets up for bid in our th Auction of 0 0. Click on the link above to view the other PWCC auction lots. This item is described through this description as well as through the high-resolution image which can be accessed by clicking the link below. Anything visible in the high-resolution image is considered part of the description of the item.
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0 of Market Supply
Above Average
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Nov, 0
, 0
Feb, 0
Eye appeal greatly affects market value. Since 0 we at PWCC have designated cards in the top 0 of the market with our Certified Eye Appeal Program. These cards have statistically sold at auction for 0 - 00 of market average, depending on the eye appeal assessment rendered. The premium paid for cards in the top 0 of the eye appeal scale reveals an investment trend largely in its infancy. As a key investment variable, the eye appeal of a vintage trading card seems destined to have an increasingly significant impact on market value for the foreseeable future. Investors are encouraged to take notice of this important variable and invest accordingly.
Explanation of Shipping Costs Shipping costs in the eBay listing are estimated and will be adjusted at the completion of the auction based on the final closing value of the item. Actual shipping costs will be reflected in the invoice sent to the buyer.
Single or Multiple Cards Shipped to the U.S. The chart below describes the shipping cost for multiple cards purchased from the same auction shipped to locations within the United States. Please note that shipping rates for group lots, sets, and oversized cards are not reflected in this matrix. Please contact PWCC with any questions regarding shipping of these items prior to bidding. Shipped
to the U.S. Total Closing Cost Value 0 - 0 0 - 00 00 - 0 0 - , 00 , 00 - ,000 K - K K - K Items
Won to 0 0 to 0 to 0 0 0 to 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Shipped
to the U.S. Total Closing Cost Value Continued From Above K - K K - K K - K K - K K - 0K 0K Items
Won to 0 0 Shipping cost based on closing price, shipping location, and other factors. Please contact PWCC with any questions in advance of the item closing to 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Single or Multiple Cards Shipped to Locations Other Than the U.S. When a package is shipped internationally, it may be subject to import taxes, customs duties, and/or fees imposed by the destination country on the buyer. The chart below describes the shipping cost for single or multiple cards purchased from the same auction being shipped to locations outside the United States. Shipping rates for group lots, sets, and oversized cards are not reflected in this matrix. Please contact PWCC with any questions regarding shipping of these items prior to bidding. Shipped
the U.S. Total Closing Cost Value 0 - 00 00 - 0 0 - 0 0 - , 00 , 00 - ,000 ,000 - ,000 ,000 Items
Won to 0 Canada:
Other: Canada: 0
Other: 0 Canada:
Other: Canada:
Other: Canada: 0
Other: 0 Canada: 00
Other: Canada: 0
Other: 00 to 0 Canada:
Other: Canada: 0
Other: 0 to 0 Canada: 0
Other: 0 Canada:
Other: Canada:
Other: 00 Canada: 0
Other: 0 to 0 Canada: 0
Other: 0 Canada:
Other: Canada:
Other: 0 Canada: 0
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PWCC Return Policy Our return policy is not a no-questions-asked return policy. Returns are only accepted if an item is misrepresented in the auction title, description, images, email, or phone communication. Buyer s remorse is not a valid reason for return. We strive to be reasonable in the event of a disagreement and ask that buyers afford us the same level of fairness. Misrepresentation of an auction item is exceedingly rare. We at PWCC are not professional graders so we trust in the reputation and opinion of rd party professional graders. Professional grading is subjective and different rd party graders will often disagree over the grading on a single card. Such a disagreement is not a justifiable reason for a return with PWCC. As a broker of graded trading cards, our responsibility is the accurate description and delivery of the item advertised not to guarantee how a graded card will be assessed by different grading company. Any issue a buyer has with a card s professional grade should be addressed with the company that graded the card. Returned items must be received back in the condition they were received. Original shipping as well as return shipping will be refunded along with the full purchase price upon receiving back a returned item.
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