Item Description
THE FINEST CGC GRADED nbsp CONAN COMIC This nbsp super-bright clean comic-book was professionally graded at the top of the census by nbsp CGC and boasts nbsp phenomenal eye appeal. nbsp The colors are deep, and the gloss is amazing, and this issue had low distribution is some regions and is a nbsp very tough issue to get in best-known condition like this. nbsp Over the past dozen years, with the exception of the Suscha News Pedigree example, only on TWO total occasions did a . surface, according to the latest GPA data. nbsp In other words, unless you are prepared to wait, and wait, for years on end, you may want to Buy It Now. This high-demand issue is nbsp arguably the most elusive of the whole run due to the splotchy distribution it received back in the early seventies, and it nbsp includes the Grim Ghost, in an adaptation of a fantasy story by Robert E. Howard. nbsp It nbsp is nbsp unusually scarce in this pristine nbsp . condition. nbsp These iconic heroes have been immortalized in hit nbsp films and novels. THIS IS FROM THE ORIGINAL FIRST SERIES, THE ONE THAT GAVE THE MOST POPULAR BARBARIAN A COMIC PRESENCE FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME. nbsp ALTHOUGH . COPIES TURN UP PERIODICALLY, THIS IS PROBABLY THE FIRST TIME A CGC . HAS EVER BEEN OFFERED ON EBAY. nbsp IF YOU WANT AN IMPECCABLE EXAMPLE YOU MAY WANT TO BUY IT NOW, OR PREPARE TO WAIT nbsp DECADES FOR YOUR NEXT OPPORTUNITY, AND EVEN THEN, IT MIGHT NOT HAVE THE PRESENTATION TO COMPETE WITH THIS GEM, AND YOU D HAVE TO BE IN THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME AS THERES NO TELLING IF THE NEXT ONE TO SURFACE WILL nbsp HAVE PRECISE ALIGNMENT, OR IF IT WILL HAPPEN TO BE OFFERED ON EBAY OR ANY OTHER SITE YOU FREQUENT... THIS ONE HAS A FRESH-OFF-THE-PRESS LOOK ABOUT IT, nbsp AND THE COLORS AND GLOSS ARE A SPECTACLE TO BEHOLD nbsp FINDING COPIES THAT ARE NICER THAN NEAR MINT IS EXTRA DIFFICULT, AND VERY FEW COPIES OF ANY GRADE CAN COMPETE WITH THE nbsp SUPER nbsp RICH COLORS AND HEAVY GLOSS THAT THIS nbsp COPY EXHIBITS. nbsp So if you miss this chance, you may be waiting for quite some time for even a . with no arrival date, much less another one of the paltry nbsp few existing . s, and even then, another NM/MINT would likely fall short of this lustrous well-aligned nbsp snowy-white beauty.
nbsp THIS ISSUE BOASTS A GREAT COVER BY nbsp BARRY SMITH THAT EPITOMIZES THE WORD CLASSIC . nbsp THIS nbsp ICONIC IMAGE, SHOWING THE nbsp FAMOUS HERO nbsp GOING HEAD TO HEAD AGAINST THE nbsp GREY GOD IS FITTING FOR nbsp A MILESTONE ISSUE THAT ADAPTS SPEARS OF CLONTARF nbsp BY R.E.H. nbsp THIS COMIC HAS ALL THE HALLMARKS OF KEEPER, WITH THE PHENOMENAL GLOSS AND BLINDING-BRIGHT COLORS nbsp PLUS NOTE THE nbsp PRECISE ALIGNMENT AND OF COURSE THE nbsp FACT THAT THE COVER IS NOT DINGY ON THE REVERSE LIKE SOME OTHER HIGH-GRADE EXAMPLES. nbsp IN ADDITION, THIS DOESN T HAVE AN ARRIVAL DATE, WHICH nbsp SOME PROFESSIONALLY GRADED EXAMPLES nbsp HAVE. nbsp nbsp AND THE WHITENESS OF THE LOGO IS EXTRAORDINARY. nbsp EXPECT TO BE THRILLED WITH THIS GEM, MUCH LIKE MANY OF THE OTHER EXCEPTIONAL MARVEL COMICS WE nbsp ARE nbsp NOW OFFERING nbsp I ve always wanted my high-grade nbsp Marvel comics to have great cut and alignment, things that the certification companies scarcely consider when grading. nbsp So if you too are extra picky, and want copies that are not only well preserved and of exceptional structural quality, but also look like they were printed JUST RIGHT with nbsp attractive framing and deep color strike with nbsp accurate registration and sharp corners, and somehow they didn t pick up any date notations or intitials during the distribution process either, then you crave books of this caliber and you already know how seldom these opportunities arise. nbsp
IF YOU ARE A LONG-TERM COLLECTOR OF HIGH GRADE VINTAGE MARVEL COMICS THEN YOU KNOW THAT THIS nbsp SERIES HAS nbsp EMERGED AS A FAN FAVORITE, AND A TRUE BLUE CHIP IN HIGH GRADE SHAPE. nbsp This nbsp book is well known to fans and dealers alike nbsp as the silver-age series issue featuring nbsp the iconic sword sorcery super-star, by a few of the top creators of the medium, STAN LEE and ROY THOMAS and BARRY WINDSOR-SMITH, nuff said. The nbsp blue and gray nbsp purple background of the cover nbsp provides great contrasts and is a treat to behold when the cover is unblemished by such pesky detractors as noteworthy creases or spine-stresses. nbsp These characters are already household names around the globe, thanks nbsp in part to the smash-hit films and record-setting DVD nbsp sales and all the toys and videogames and statues and animation and action-figures and clothing and nbsp plethora of other licensed merchandise. nbsp nbsp Conan is one of the most famous icons of the genre, and very few fans will ever get to see a copy of this elusive early appearance in unsurpassed condition... nbsp It doesn t get nbsp much more Blue Chip than this nbsp nbsp nbsp This original first-print nbsp comic-book nbsp WILL find a new home, as the Buy It Now price is nbsp LOW and there is NO RESERVE nbsp ALWAYS SCARCE, nbsp BETTER-THAN-NEAR-MINT nbsp SPECIMENS OF THIS nbsp LANDMARK -CENT ISSUE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN SOUGHT OUT, YET OUR BUY IT NOW PRICE IS SET
This nbsp historic comic is nbsp a real find in unrestored nbsp NM or better shape, as many copies had minute production flaws nbsp such as printing creases or nbsp Marvel Chipping, while others were read and re-read, time and time again, and with the glossy nbsp dark cover even the tiniest flaws seem magnified. nbsp However, this copy is spectacular, as it s super-clean and there is no nbsp noteworthy wear or aging, and it has precise printing registration. nbsp The state of nbsp preservation is second to none. nbsp And the nbsp gloss is nbsp excellent, too nbsp nbsp This crushes most of the so-called Mint old comics I purchased over the decades back in the pre-CGC era. nbsp Good luck finding this level of eye appeal again in the future, as this beauty boasts deep nbsp rich nbsp uniform colors nbsp and a flat clean appearance, devoid of common problems such as nbsp print-creases and arrival dates nbsp and pre-Marvel chips, and the unusually clean bright logo just adds to the allure. nbsp nbsp We are nbsp now offering nbsp many superb nbsp CGC Marvel comics, plus rare nbsp comic art And we ll be offering hundreds of other collectable comics in the next nbsp few months. nbsp Check out our ebay items regularly nbsp A lot has happened with Marvel comics in the past nbsp 0 years since this gem came out, adding more allure to the nbsp fabled vintage nbsp issues such as this nbsp so I don t suggest waiting around until these crucial books have gone through the roof....
nbsp High-grade specimens of this hot issue are always in demand, but nbsp are almost never available in the market, in nbsp such well-preserved nbsp condition with incredible luster nbsp eye appeal nbsp like this nbsp nbsp This is an investment nbsp that you can show and display proudly, without worrying about damage or degradation of the nice supple nbsp clean bone-white nbsp paper, thanks to the benefit of professional Comic Guaranty Corporation encapsulation. nbsp With demand that far exceeds supply, premium prices nbsp typically nbsp occur when an exceptional certified beauty such as this finally reaches the market. nbsp nbsp The few comparable specimens are already locked up in nbsp serious collections, unlikely to surface nbsp for the nbsp foreseeable future, so this rare offering of a legit nbsp best-existing copy nbsp is a rare opportunity indeed. Great cover colors And the gloss is phenomenal, which nbsp must be seen in person to be appreciated. nbsp nbsp If you are a discriminating nbsp Marvel silver-age collector, serious nbsp CGC-graded nbsp comics investor, or just a devout nbsp Conan collector and prefer unrestored books without nbsp significant flaws, then NOW is your brief window of opportunity. nbsp It looks less appealing nbsp in the disappointing pictures, nbsp but in person the book looks spectacular and the super bright colors really leap out at you nbsp nbsp nbsp The conservative Overall CGC Universal Grade is nbsp NEAR MINT TO MINT --it looks nbsp new from outside the nbsp clear plastic CGC case This extra bright clean copy sports the Blue Unrestored CGC Label nbsp --And the CGC case has no scuffs or cracks or nbsp scratches nbsp in the crystal-clear case. nbsp nbsp PEDIGREE-QUALITY HIGHEST-GRADED GEM
We are prompt shippers secure packagers, expect to be pleased. ASKING PRICE IS LOW AND THERE IS NO RESERVE This auction includes: nbsp CONAN THE BARBARIAN nbsp CGC . with Off-White to White Pages. THE GREATEST SWORD-AND-SORCERY HERO OF ALL Classic nbsp Barry Windsor Smith nbsp Cover featuring Conan vs Grey God. BASED ON A STORY BY ROBERT E. HOWARD. THIS TOUGH EARLY ISSUE HAD LOW DISTRIBUTION IN SOME PARTS OF THE COUNTRY HEAVY GLOSS. RARE IN NM/MINT SHAPE. Published by nbsp Marvel Comics in late 0 nbsp as the nbsp February, , nbsp first-printing. This comic has precise printing registration on both the front back covers. nbsp Sorry about the nbsp crappy glare-filled images, due to our scanner and the thick protective CGC case The actual item looks fabulous and has uniform ultra-bright colors that you simply must see in person to appreciate.
KEY COMICS is a Power GOLD Seller and CBM Market Reporter and Authorized CGC Member Dealer that has specialized in Mail-Order Comics for well over twenty years
Buy with confidence.
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BUY IT nbsp NOW, AND DON T REGRET LOSING IT LATER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -Day Return Privilege This is the real deal: Expect to be pleased. Payment due within 0 days of auction close.
Please Include .00 for Insured Priority-mail boxed securely within the USA. nbsp nbsp The ebay shipping calculator is often inaccurate when it s used for costly items shipped to foreign countries, and delivery is very expensive, if not unavailable, to some foreign countries, so please nbsp contact us nbsp for our International rates before bidding, or with any questions. nbsp Please WIN MORE KEY COMICS AUCTIONS AND SAVE: Additional CGC-Graded books add .00 apiece to the shipping costs nbsp Unslabbed comics add just twenty cents apiece to the shipping cost. Plus any extra Insurance desired. nbsp
0 s to 0 s Add keycomics to your Favorite Seller List if you collect back-issue comics or comic-artwork For more samples from our diverse inventory, including additional CGC nbsp MARVEL COMICS, plus nbsp unslabbed back-issue comics and nbsp even rare Comic Art, all of which is listed in assorted categories:
CLICK HERE TO SEE OUR OTHER AUCTIONS nbsp Good Luck and Happy Collecting
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