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nbsp Tales To Astonish 0CGC . Off White - White PagesGiant-Man/Hulk double feature beginsTied at the top of the census with other copies with no . s although this one couldn t have missed my much Very bright copy of a difficult book in grade.Pacific Coast Pedigree:
The Pacific Coast Pedigree is widely regarded as the pre-eminent Silver Age collection of comic books in the world. nbsp The collection spans the years - and the comic books all share the same look of freshness and uniformity. Aside from the incredible brightness of the books, they are also known for near perfect registration. PC s are among the most coveted pedigrees in the hobby as exemplified by how few copies are on the market at any given time.Buy with confidence. Overstreet Advisor. CGC Member-Dealer nbsp Be sure to add me to your
favorites list nbsp nbsp
USPS priority shipping: US/ CANADA/ WORLDWIDE nbsp Combined shipping available, add per book
Questions: Call/text Greg 0- - 00 nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp
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