Item Description
TOP-GRADED TWELVE-CENT SPIDEY COMIC This nbsp exceptional copy nbsp hails from the recently discovered Canarsie Collection and was strictly graded by nbsp CGC and boasts nbsp phenomenal eye appeal. nbsp THIS IS nbsp THE HISTORIC ISSUE WITH nbsp KA-ZAR AND HIS nbsp SABERTOOTH TIGER ZABU nbsp BY THE LEGENDARY CREATIVE TEAM OF STAN LEE AND JOHN ROMITA. nbsp nbsp FOR THE PICKIEST COLLECTOR, THIS PEDIGREE GEM HAS SHARP CORNERS, EXACT CENTERING, PEFECT ALIGNMENT, SUPERIOR STRUCTURE, nbsp BONE WHITE PAGES, BLINDING COLORS, AND A DESIRABLE PROVENANCE nbsp IT GETS NO BETTER THAN THIS FOLKS THUS FAR, BESIDES THE TWIN CITIES PEDIGREE EXAMPLE, A GRAND TOTAL OF ONE COPY HAS EVER SURFACED IN THIS CENSUS-TOPPING SHAPE. OF COURSE, MOST . s CANNOT MATCH THE SPOT-ON CENTERING OF THIS EXEMPLARY SPECIMEN. The stunning comic-books from the Canarsie pedigree were purchased at the now defunct Canarsie Comics shop in the Canarsie section of Brooklyn, New York, hence the nickname Canarsie Collection. The well-preserved collection of about 0 Marvels features deep runs of mainstream Silver into Bronze Age superhero titles such as Amazing Spider-Man, Avengers, Captain America, Daredevil, Fantastic Four, Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, and Journey Into Mystery/Thor. The collection also consists of smaller groups of issues from Captain Marvel, Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD, Silver Surfer, Tales to Astonish, and X-Men. The average grade of the books is . to . but there are many . and . examples. Almost every book has either off-white to white or white page quality and immaculate structure. There are many high grade Silver and Bronze Age keys, first appearance issues, and deep runs of favorite Marvel titles in the collection. THE BUY IT NOW PRICE FOR THIS, PERHAPS THE MOST DESIRABLE COPY EXTANT, IS CERTAINLY A BARGAIN, AND IT S PROBABLY THE FIRST TIME A CGC . OF THIS SCARCE-ABOVE-NM ISSUE HAS EVER BEEN OFFERED ON EBAY nbsp THIS IS POSSIBLY A ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY TO ACQUIRE THE nbsp VERY BEST OF THE BEST.
nbsp THIS COMIC IS SUITABLE FOR EVEN THE FINEST COLLECTION: nbsp Superb color and gloss, and sharp corners. nbsp This investment-grade book comes from a cool dry dark pet-free non-smoking environment, and includes my original purchase invoice designating the Canarsie Collection provenance.
GREAT COVER, nbsp BY PERHAPS THE MOST POPULAR ARTIST TO nbsp EVER ILLUSTRATE nbsp THE WEB-SLINGER, JOHN ROMITA. THIS IS A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR THE FAN OF MINT CALIBER nbsp GEMS. nbsp MANY nbsp OF THE SPIDERMAN AND X-MEN AND OTHER BACK-ISSUE MARVELS WE ARE CURRENTLY OFFERING ARE TOP GRADED OR RUNNER-UP ON THE CURRENT CGC CENSUS... nbsp SO THIS IS SPECIAL CHANCE FOR THE FELLOW MINT FREAK TO OBTAIN SOME UPGRADES This nbsp book is well known to fans and dealers alike nbsp as an important issue nbsp featuring the nbsp ever-popular nbsp Wallcrawler and Kazar. nbsp The nbsp unforgiving white background of the cover nbsp provides great contrasts and is a treat to behold when it s unblemished by such pesky detractors as creases spine-stresses. nbsp The webslinger is already a household name around the globe, thanks nbsp in part to the smash-hit films and record-setting DVD nbsp sales and all the toys and videogames and statues and animation and action-figures and clothing and nbsp plethora of other licensed merchandise, bringing the love of nbsp the nbsp charater nbsp to still more generations of fans nbsp nbsp A new Amazing nbsp Spider-Man film dominated theaters recently, and more nbsp Spidey movies are expected in the coming years... nbsp It doesn t get any more Blue Chip than this nbsp nbsp nbsp This nbsp original first-print nbsp comic-book nbsp WILL find a new home, as the Buy It Now price is low and there is NO RESERVE nbsp ALWAYS HOT, nbsp BUT WITH JUST ONE NON-PEDIGREE COPY AND THE TWIN CITIES COPY AS THE SOLE . s TO SURFACE IN THE MARKET OVER THE PAST FIFTEEN YEARS, TOP-GRADED SPECIMENS OF THIS TWELVE-CENT MARVEL COMIC ARE nbsp ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE nbsp TO OBTAIN. The smudges and hazy areas nbsp you see below are from the scanner glass, not the nbsp slab or comic, plus there are reflections and glare, all of which is not evident when viewing the actual book in person. nbsp There are no cracks and no scratches on the CGC holder, either. nbsp We are also nbsp now offering nbsp DOZENS nbsp of other pristine CGC Marvels, plus rare nbsp comic art And we ll be offering hundreds of other collectable comics in the next nbsp few months. nbsp Check out our ebay items regularly nbsp A lot has happened with Marvel comics in the almost-five decades since this gem came out, adding more allure to the nbsp iconic and oft-reprinted nbsp vintage nbsp issues such as this nbsp so I don t suggest waiting around until these crucial books have gone through the roof.... nbsp Professionally-graded minty specimens of this hot issue are always in demand, but nbsp are virtually never seen in the market, in nbsp such a well-preserved state nbsp with incredible luster and great colors like this nbsp nbsp This is a TOP C.G.C.-CERTIFIED nbsp investment nbsp that you can show and display proudly, without worrying about damage or degradation of the nice supple nbsp clean nbsp paper, thanks to the benefit of professional Comic Guaranty Corporation encapsulation. nbsp With demand that exceeds supply, premium prices can be expected when a best-of-the-best such as this finally reaches the market. nbsp nbsp The nbsp Buy It Now price is set low, so don t delay Great cover colors And the gloss is phenomenal, which nbsp must be seen in person to be appreciated. nbsp If you are a discriminating nbsp Marvel collector, serious nbsp CGC-graded nbsp comics investor, or just a devout nbsp Spiderman or nbsp Ka-Zar collector, and prefer unrestored certified books without nbsp visible flaws, then NOW is your brief window of opportunity. nbsp It looks less appealing nbsp in the disappointing pictures, with lots of glare and haze from our scanner, nbsp but in person the book looks spectacular and the super bright colors really leap out at you nbsp nbsp nbsp The conservative Overall CGC Universal Grade is nbsp NEAR MINT/MINT --it looks nbsp flawless from outside the nbsp clear plastic CGC case This extra bright clean copy sports the Blue Unrestored CGC Label nbsp --And the CGC case is unblemished, with no scuffs or cracks. nbsp GORGEOUS nbsp PEDIGREE SPECIMEN
HIGHEST CGC GRADED, nbsp WITH EXACT FRAMING. nbsp Published by nbsp Marvel Comics in nbsp late as the February, , nbsp first-printing. nbsp This comic contains fresh nbsp supple nbsp clean nbsp pages, nbsp with deep rich colors and great printing registration on both the front back covers. nbsp Even the staples are still shiny nbsp Sorry about the nbsp glare-filled images, due to our scanner and the thick protective CGC case The actual item looks fabulous and has uniform bright colors that you simply must see in person to appreciate.
KEY COMICS is a Power GOLD Seller and CBM Market Reporter and Authorized CGC Member Dealer that has specialized in Mail-Order Comics for more than a quarter-century
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BUY IT nbsp NOW, AND DON T SETTLE FOR LESS, LATER nbsp SATISFACTION GUARANTEED nbsp -Day Return Privilege. nbsp nbsp Payment due within 0 days of auction close, although no-interest time payments are permitted, if worked out via email in advance. nbsp nbsp Please Include .00 for quick Insured Priority-mail boxed securely with tracking within the USA. nbsp nbsp Please contact us for International rates, as the ebay shipping calculater is often inaccurate for expensive items. nbsp Note to international customers: nbsp All customs fees, duties, tariffs, taxes, levies, VAT, or any and all nbsp other costs incurred due to importation of this item to your home county is the sole responsibility of the buyer, we have no control over the rules and costs imposed by any foreign nation. nbsp Contact us with any questions. nbsp Please WIN MORE KEY COMICS AUCTIONS AND SAVE: Additional CGC-Graded books add .00 nbsp apiece to the shipping costs nbsp Unslabbed comics add just twenty cents apiece to the shipping cost. Plus any extra Insurance desired. nbsp nbsp
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nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Add keycomics to your Saved Sellers List if you collect back-issue comics or comic-artwork For more samples from our diverse inventory, including additional CGC nbsp MARVEL COMICS, plus nbsp unslabbed back-issue comics and nbsp even rare Comic Art, nbsp all nbsp of nbsp which is listed in assorted categories: nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp
CLICK HERE TO SEE OUR OTHER AUCTIONS nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Good Luck and Happy Collecting
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