Item Description
Incredible Hulk CGC nbsp .0 nbsp nbsp Very Fine / Near Mint nbsp White pages nbsp - Grader s Notes at Bottom of this ListingShipping INCLUDES nbsp full insurance coverage.
------------------------------------------------------------------First appearance of Wolverine. nbsp The very first time he appeared in any comic.
Questions nbsp Call Jim at 0- - 000Monday-Friday 0 am to pm EST
This is a key issue for any
Incredible Hulk, Wolverine or X-Men, or nbsp Marvel comic book collector. nbsp nbsp This comic, featuring the first appearance of the nbsp
Wolverine ranks with Wolverine as one of the most sought after Marvel comic books ever nbsp
nbsp nbsp nbsp The CGC case is in excellent condition since we just got it back from CGC. We ll ship it in the ORIGINAL packing case
nbsp nbsp nbsp The blue label means the book has NOT been restored. Restoration lowers the value of a comic, but this one has not been restored. nbsp You get a FULL-VALUED book.
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A great comic book issue for: nbsp
. nbsp nbsp Any fan of the Incredible Hulk, Wolverine, Logan, nbsp
the X-Men or Marvel comics.
. nbsp nbsp Any serious comic book collector.
. nbsp nbsp Any comic book store -- nbsp impress customers with one of the most important comics of all time.
. nbsp nbsp Comic book investor looking to collect comics which have consistently increased in value every year.
nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp
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How to Invest in Comic Books nbsp
Comic Books to Collect nbsp nbsp
For ,000 more comics, nbsp go to
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CGC Grader Notes:
- nbsp Left Center Back Cover Small Crease
- nbsp Right Bottom Back Cover Small Dent
- nbsp Right Bottom Front Cover Small Lite Crease
- nbsp Spine Stress Lines Breaks Color
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