Item Description
nbsp A BEAUTIFUL EXAMPLE OF A SCARCE TIMELY COMIC FROM . This nbsp superb pedigree-quality specimen boasts nbsp fabulous eye appeal, and was graded nbsp tightly, as it looks high-grade. nbsp A mere nbsp seven total copies have ever certified higher at CGC, with the finest copy being from the Billy Wright pedigree at .0 which sold for five figure and nbsp to give further insight into the nbsp scarcity: nbsp this is the very FIRST copy nbsp to nbsp sell at this nbsp pretty grade level.
THIS IS AN INVESTMENT-GRADE COPY nbsp AT . nbsp AND WHO KNOWS IF ANY OF THE FEW EXISTING COMPARABLE EXAMPLES CAN MATCH THE nbsp BLINDING-BRIGHT COLORS IT FEATURES THE nbsp CLASSIC SUBBIE COVER, SHOWING NAMOR ATTACKING THE NAZI TOPEDO SHIP, AND AT BOTTOM THERE ARE COOL DEPICTIONS OF THE HUMAN TORCH AND TORO, ALONG WITH AN AD FOR THE THIRD ISSUE OF HUMAN TORCH. For fans of stuff like Sub-Mariner Comics and Human Torch and Young Allies and All Select and Cap and the like, nbsp It doesn t get nbsp much nbsp better than this nbsp nbsp nbsp This nbsp incredible nbsp original first-print nbsp comic-book nbsp WILL find a new home, as the Buy It Now price is low nbsp and there is NO RESERVE nbsp This nbsp historic comic is nbsp a real find in presentable shape, and with the blaze red cover and snowy white logo, even the tiniest flaws show up. nbsp This copy is nbsp way above average, nbsp as it s super-clean and there are nbsp no nbsp major problems. nbsp It has the appearance of a high grade beauty, and is a real surprise that it garnered a mere . , although I guess it s tempered by the understanding that only a nbsp small number of nbsp copies have ever graded higher. nbsp nbsp Good luck finding this level of eye appeal again in the future, without paying many nbsp thousands for a top pedigree... nbsp Note that our scanner makes it appear that there s nbsp lighter areas or haze to the issue or slab. nbsp But there nbsp are no such light nbsp spots or scratches on the comic OR the clean CGC holder. nbsp We are also nbsp now auctioning other great nbsp CGC nbsp comics, plus unslabbed vintage key issues, and even rare nbsp comic art And we ll be offering hundreds of other collectable comics in the next nbsp few months. nbsp Check out our ebay items regularly The rare nbsp WWII-era comic-books are nbsp heating up, and war fans will always appreciate the graphic battle action in it s period-correct form. nbsp nbsp A lot has happened with nbsp comics in the past seven-plus decades since this nbsp beauty came out, adding more allure to the nbsp rarer issues such as this nbsp so I don t suggest waiting around until these crucial books have gone through the roof....
nbsp Sharp unrestored specimens of this hot issue are always in demand, but nbsp are almost never available in the market, in CGC-graded nbsp condition with super-rich colors nbsp and nbsp clean appearance like this nbsp nbsp This is an certified investment that you can show and display proudly, without worrying about damage or degradation of the nice supple nbsp clean fresh paper, thanks to the benefit of the Comics Guaranty Company encapsulation. nbsp With demand that exceeds supply, premium prices nbsp can occur when an unrestored nbsp beauty such as this reaches the market. nbsp nbsp Great cover colors The gloss nbsp and presentation are nbsp phenomenal, nbsp and nbsp must be seen in person to be appreciated. nbsp If you are a discriminating nbsp Schomburg collector, serious WWII cover investor, or just a devout Timely Marvel collector and prefer unrestored items without nbsp pesky nbsp obvious nbsp flaws, then NOW is your brief window of opportunity. nbsp It looks less appealing nbsp in the disappointing picture, with lots of glare and nbsp odd whitish areas from specks of dust on our scanner, which also nbsp has flaws on the scanner glass, nbsp nbsp but in person the book looks spectacular and the super bright colors really leap out at you nbsp nbsp nbsp The very conservative Overall Grade is FINE PLUS nbsp --it looks clean and flat and tight, so it s hard to believe it s over seventy years old already This extra bright clean nbsp gem is perfect for nbsp all but the most selective of buyers. UNRESTORED PEDIGREE-QUALITY SPECIMEN
We are prompt shippers secure packagers, expect to be pleased. ASKING PRICE IS nbsp LOW AND THERE IS NO RESERVE This auction includes: nbsp MARVEL MYSTERY COMICS 0 nbsp CGC nbsp . Condition, with Off-White Pages. nbsp BEAUTIFUL EXAMPLE GRADED VERY STRICTLY. SCHOMBURG COVER ART. ANGEL ORIGIN IN TEXT STORY. nbsp CARL BURGOS AND BILL EVERETT ART. GREAT SUPERHERO AND WWII ADVENTURES WITH ART BY nbsp RESPECTED ARTISTS, THROUGHOUT. nbsp Published by nbsp TIMELY COMICS, as the June, , nbsp first-printing. This comic boasts deep rich colors and great printing registration on both the front back covers, which are nbsp still glossy. nbsp Sorry about the weak images, as our scanner glass has flaws and smudges which show up in the pictures The actual item has uniform ultra-bright colors that you simply must see in person to appreciate.
KEY COMICS is a Power GOLD Seller and CBM Market Reporter and Authorized CGC Member Dealer that has specialized in Mail-Order Comics for well over twenty years
Buy with confidence. nbsp
We prefer PayPal, checks/MO. nbsp Don t hesitate to email with special payment preferences.
BUY IT nbsp NOW, AND DON T REGRET LOSING IT, LATER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -Day Return Privilege This is the real deal: Expect to be pleased. Payment due within 0 days of auction close.
Please Include .00 for Insured Registered Priority-mail boxed securely with tracking within the USA. nbsp Please contact us for nbsp accurate International rates, or with any questions. nbsp Please WIN MORE KEY COMICS AUCTIONS AND SAVE: Additional Unslabbed comics add just twenty cents apiece to the shipping cost. Plus any extra Insurance desired. nbsp
0 s to 0 s Add keycomics to your Saved Seller List if you collect back-issue comics or comic-artwork For more samples from our diverse inventory, including additional HIGH-GRADE CGC COMICS, plus nbsp unslabbed hot back-issue nbsp comics and nbsp even rare Comic Art, all of which is listed in assorted categories:
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