Item Description
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Tomb of Dracula 0 CGC . - ST BLADE VigilanteComics presents the first appearance of Blade in Tomb of Dracula 0
in CGC . condition with near perfect page quality, Off-White to White.
When compared in price with other first appearance books from the same time period
such as Luke Cage in Hero for Hire and/or the Ghost Rider in Marvel Spotlight
in the same condition, this book is true value.
And let s face it, Blade is way cooler character - grab this key while you can
All auction details and high res image s are below. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
Title Issue Grade Page Notes Tomb of Dracula 0 CGC . Off-White to White - st Appearance of Blade, the Vampire Slayer
Click here to see other key appearance comics Please feel free to contact us if you want higher resolution images.
All purchases shipped the following Saturday with tracking information.
Thanks for looking, Happy Bidding and Good Luck On Jan-0 - at 0: :0 PST, seller added the following information: lt div style text-align:center gt lt a style text-decoration:none href id AC 0 gt lt img src border 0 gt lt /a gt lt /div gt