Item Description
HIGH-GRADE PRE-CODE HORROR COMIC FEATURING TOP ARTISTS nbsp This nbsp old comic has nbsp stories that are laden violence and gore, plus a bit of nbsp good-girl art nbsp with the nbsp provocative cheesecake panels. nbsp The story titles include The Vengeful Corpse by Moe Marcus , plus nbsp Al Avison nbsp drew the one promoted on the surreal front cover nbsp Nightmare of Doom which is nbsp a graphic tale of a descent into a horrific hallucination-filled living nightmare nbsp of dementia and evil. nbsp nbsp There is the live undead nbsp story titled the Living nbsp Mummies , and a ghoulish short tale titled True Tales of the Tomb , and the memorable Mind Over Matter courtesy of nbsp Bob Powell and Howard Nostrand, nbsp plus more
YOU DON T OFTEN SEE PRE-CODE HORROR THIS NICE nbsp THIS SOUGHT-AFTER ISSUE HAS A nbsp LOT OF BLACK nbsp FILLING THE nbsp FRONT COVER, SO IT SHOWS MOST DEFECTS WITH A GLARING LIGHT IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN, BUT nbsp ON THIS ONE, IT S JUST A STELLAR GLOSSY BLACK SURFACE, AMAZING nbsp THIS SERIES, ALONG WITH BLACK CAT MYSTERY AND WITCHES TALES ARE THE MOST POPULAR HARVEY TITLES TO FEATURE THIS GRAPHIC SUPERNATURAL-THEMED MATERIAL, THE STUFF SEEN IN THIS, THE MOST GRAPHIC OF ALL THE GENRES, AND nbsp IT IS NOTORIOUSLY TOUGH TO GET IN UNRESTORED HIGH-GRADE SHAPE LIKE THIS. nbsp THIS ISSUE WAS RELEASED MORE THAN SIX DECADES AGO, AND IS HIGHLY COLLECTABLE DUE TO ITS PHENOMENAL nbsp PYSCHOSIS-INDUCING NIGHTMARE-VISIONS COVER AND THE SHOCKING nbsp RELATED STORY, AS WELL AS THE TREMENDOUS HOWARD NOSTRAND AND BOB POWELL ARTWORK. nbsp nbsp This nbsp nostalgic title is distinctly early fifties , and this nbsp particular issue nbsp features a stand-out nbsp young-blonde-in-negligee cover, along with cool artwork and provocative supernatural, gore, and G.G.A. fare within. nbsp If you like classic horror tales, or hi-grade antique comics, and/or pre-code comics with superb artwork: nbsp It doesn t get nbsp much better than this nbsp nbsp nbsp Each item is securely-boxed, with plenty of protective packaging material. This original first-print nbsp comic-book nbsp WILL find a new home, as the asking price is nbsp low nbsp and there is NO RESERVE nbsp This nbsp historic comic is nbsp a cool find in attractive shape, as circulation wasn t high and most copies were read, and re-read, time and time again, and with the high attrition, not many remain in nice shape nbsp these days. nbsp Plus the jet-black cover is unforgiving, making the tiniest flaws and blemishes look magnified on other copies, of course nbsp This one is super nice, as you can see in the our big scans Amazing that it didn t grade even higher We are also nbsp now auctioning other great nbsp non-certified and CGC nbsp comics, plus rare nbsp comic art And we ll be offering hundreds of other collector comics in the next nbsp few months. nbsp Check out our ebay items regularly Fifties Horror Comics are nbsp heating up... nbsp nbsp nbsp A lot has happened with comics in the past SIX-PLUS DECADES since this nbsp early nbsp issue came out, adding more allure to the nbsp unsurpassed copies of the salacious isssues nbsp such as this nbsp so I don t suggest waiting around until these crucial books have disappeared....
nbsp Specimens of this hot back-issue are always in demand, but nbsp are seldom seen in the market, especially in extraordinary shape like this nbsp nbsp This is an unrestored nbsp copy nbsp that you can show and display proudly, without worrying about damage or degradation, thanks to the benefit of the professional encapsulation by Comics Guaranty Corp. nbsp With demand that exceeds supply, premium prices nbsp often occur when a sought-out nbsp issue such as this reaches the market. nbsp nbsp Great cover colors And the gloss is impressive, which nbsp must be seen in person to be appreciated. nbsp nbsp If you are a nbsp dream-ephemera collector, serious nbsp atom-age comics investor, or just a devout nbsp fifties comic collector, and prefer unrestored books in nice shape, then NOW is your opportunity. nbsp It looks less appealing nbsp in the disappointing pictures, with lots of glare and nbsp odd whitish areas from specks of dust on our scanner, which also nbsp has flaws and smudges on the scanner glass, nbsp nbsp but in person the book looks nbsp amazing and the bright colors really leap out at you nbsp nbsp LOOKS LIKE IT COULD HAVE nbsp ORIGINATED FROM A NOTED PEDIGREE. nbsp CLASSIC nbsp NIGHTMARE COVER
We are nbsp strict prompt shippers secure packagers, expect to be pleased. ASKING PRICE nbsp IS LOW AND THERE IS NO RESERVE This auction includes: nbsp CHAMBER OF CHILLS in nbsp CGC . Condition nbsp with Off-White to White Pages. nbsp STELLAR PRESERVATION, MOST IF NOT ALL OF THE KNOWN FINER COPIES ARE FILE COPIES, AND THOSE AREN T AS BRIGHT AND WHITE AND CANNOT APPROACH THE AMAZING PAPER QUALITY OF THIS BEAUTY. CLASSIC SURREAL NIGHTMARE OF DOOM COVER BY LEE ELIAS. HOWARD NOSTRAND, AL AVISON AND BOB POWELL STORIES. RETAINS nbsp HEAVY GLOSS AND DEEP COLORS nbsp Published by HARVEY PUBLICATIONS in late as the January, , first-printing. nbsp Sorry about the weak images, as our scanner glass has scratches and smudges which show up in the pictures The actual item has bright colors that you must see in person to appreciate.
KEY COMICS is a long-term ebay seller and a CBM Market Reporter and Authorized CGC Member Dealer that has specialized in Mail-Order Comics for well nbsp over twenty years
Buy with confidence. nbsp
We prefer PayPal Checks/MO. nbsp We can also accomodate nbsp some other payment method requests, so don t hesitate to email.
BUY IT nbsp NOW, AND DON T REGRET LOSING IT, LATER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -Day Return Privilege This is the real deal: Expect to be pleased. Payment due within 0 days of auction close.
Please Include .00 for Tracked Priority-mail boxed securely within the USA nbsp nbsp Please contact us for nbsp affordable International rates, or with any questions. nbsp Please WIN MORE KEY COMICS AUCTIONS AND SAVE: Additional Unslabbed comics add just twenty cents apiece to the shipping cost. Plus any extra Insurance desired. nbsp
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