Item Description
ULTRA-HIGH GRADE nbsp X-MEN This nbsp super bright and clean comic-book was strictly graded by nbsp CGC and boasts nbsp phenomenal eye appeal. BUY AGGRESSIVELY, AS THIS nbsp ISSUE HAS AN UNFORGIVING BLACK-EDGED COVER AND IS nbsp ONE OF THE TOUGHER NEW TEAM ISSUES nbsp TO FIND IN SUPERIOR nbsp NM/MT SHAPE. nbsp THIS IS THE ONLY CGC nbsp BLUE-LABEL . TO SURFACE ON EBAY IN A WHILE, NO SURPRISE AS THE LUCKY OWNERS OF TOP-GRADED s ARE LOATH TO PART WITH THEM nbsp THIS COMIC IS SUITABLE FOR EVEN THE FINEST COLLECTION: nbsp As a top seller of high-grade vintage nbsp X-men in the industry, we have bought and sold more than our share of certified copies of this popular issue, and nbsp this is certainly nbsp the mintest example we ve offered. nbsp nbsp So if you too are extra picky, and want copies that are not only well preserved and of exceptional structural quality and with a deep color strike with nbsp accurate registration and sharp corners, and somehow they didn t pick up any date notations or markings or flaws during the distribution process either, then you crave books of this caliber and you already know how seldom these opportunities arise.
STUNNING nbsp JOHN BYRNE COVER WITH A RED AND YELLOW nbsp LOGO AGAINST A BLACK BACKGROUND, WITH A HEART-STOPPING IMAGE OF nbsp THE MUTANTS IN BONDAGE, AS IT APPEARS nbsp COLOSSUS AND BANSHEE ARE GETTING BURNED AT THE STAKE nbsp This nbsp book is well known to fans and dealers alike as a historic X-men comic nbsp by the influential team of Chris Claremont and John Byrne. nbsp The nbsp dark background of the cover nbsp provides great contrasts and is a treat to behold when it s unblemished by such pesky detractors as creases spine-stresses. nbsp The nbsp Uncanny X-Men are already a household name around the globe, thanks nbsp in part to the smash-hit films and record-setting DVD nbsp sales and all the toys and videogames and statues and animation and action-figures and clothing and nbsp plethora of other licensed merchandise. nbsp Wolverine, nbsp Deadpool, nbsp and the X-Men nbsp were recently in hit films, and nbsp the films are still selling well around the globe on DVD, bringing in still more new mutant fans...and more mutant movies are much anticipated. nbsp It doesn t get nbsp much more Blue Chip than this nbsp nbsp nbsp This nbsp incredible nbsp original first-print nbsp comic-book nbsp WILL find a new home, as the asking price is nbsp LOW and there is NO RESERVE nbsp ALWAYS HOT, CGC . SPECIMENS OF THIS MEMORABLE -CENT ISSUE ARE NOT EASY TO OBTAIN
This nbsp historic comic is nbsp a real find in unrestored nbsp NM or better shape, as most copies had minute production flaws nbsp such as printing creases or nbsp pre-Marvel Chipping, while others were read and re-read, time and time again, and with the glossy dark nbsp cover even the tiniest flaws seem magnified. nbsp However, this copy is spectacular, as it s super-clean and there is no nbsp visible wear or aging, and it has precise printing registration. nbsp nbsp nbsp And the paper quality is unsurpassed. nbsp And the gloss is nbsp excellent, too nbsp This crushes most of the so-called Mint old comics I purchased over the decades back in the pre-CGC era. nbsp Good luck finding this level of eye appeal again in the future, as this beauty boasts deep nbsp rich nbsp uniform colors nbsp and a flat clean appearance along with nbsp great framing and sharp corners, devoid of common problems such as nbsp print-creases and corner dings, and the unusually nbsp white back cover just adds to the allure. nbsp nbsp The smudges, scuffs, and hazy areas nbsp you see below are from the scanner glass, not the nbsp slab or comic, plus there are reflections and glare, all of which is not evident when viewing the actual book in person. nbsp There are no scratches on the CGC holder, either. nbsp We are also nbsp now offering other pristine CGC X-MEN, plus rare nbsp comic art And we ll be offering hundreds of other collectable comics in the next nbsp few months. nbsp Check out our ebay items regularly nbsp A lot has happened with Marvel comics in the past nbsp few decades since this gem came out, adding more allure to the nbsp iconic and oft-reprinted nbsp vintage nbsp issues such as this nbsp so I don t suggest waiting around until these crucial books have gone through the roof....
nbsp CGC-encapsulated high-grade specimens of this hot issue are always in demand, but nbsp are seldom available in the market, in nbsp unsurpassed nbsp condition nbsp as this nbsp nbsp This is a top certified investment that you can show and display proudly without worrying about damage or degradation of the snow white nbsp paper, thanks to the benefit of professional Comic Guaranty Corporation encapsulation. nbsp With demand that exceeds supply, premium prices nbsp often occur when a superior example such as this reaches the market. nbsp nbsp Great cover colors And the gloss is phenomenal, which nbsp must be seen in person to be appreciated. nbsp If you are a discriminating nbsp Byrne collector, serious nbsp CGC-graded nbsp comics investor, or just a devout nbsp X-Men or nbsp Marvel nbsp Comic collector and prefer unrestored top-certified books, then NOW is your brief window of opportunity. nbsp It looks less appealing nbsp in the disappointing picture, with lots of glare and nbsp lines from our scanner, nbsp but in person the book looks spectacular and the super bright colors really leap out at you nbsp nbsp nbsp The conservative Overall CGC Universal Grade is nbsp . --it looks nbsp just about flawless nbsp from outside the nbsp clear plastic CGC case This extra bright clean copy sports the Blue Unrestored CGC Label nbsp --And the CGC case is new and unblemished, with no scuffs or cracks. nbsp GORGEOUS nbsp NEAR MINT/MINT nbsp SPECIMEN
We are prompt shippers secure packagers, expect to be pleased. ASKING PRICE IS nbsp LOW AND THERE IS NO RESERVE This auction includes: nbsp The Uncanny X-Men nbsp CGC . with White Pages. CLASSIC nbsp BYRNE COVER AND RENOWNED BYRNE INTERIOR ART. UNCANNY X-MEN DURING ONE OF THEIR MORE BELOVED PERIODS. THE MUTANTS IN THE SAVAGE LAND, INCLUDING KA-ZAR, ZABU, GAROKK, ETC. SELDOM SEEN WITH MINTY . STRUCTURE AND SNOWY-WHITE PAGES GREAT CHRIS CLAREMONT STORYTELLING. Published by nbsp Marvel Comics as the December, , nbsp first-printing. This comic contains fresh supple white nbsp pages, nbsp with deep rich colors and great printing registration on both the front back covers. nbsp Even the staples are still shiny nbsp Sorry about the nbsp poor images, due to our scanner and the thick protective CGC case The actual item looks fabulous and has uniform ultra-bright colors that you must see in person to appreciate.
KEY COMICS is a Power GOLD Seller and CBM Market Reporter and Authorized CGC Member Dealer that has specialized in Mail-Order Comics for over a quarter-century
Buy with confidence. nbsp
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BUY IT nbsp NOW, AND DON T REGRET LOSING IT, LATER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMERS WELCOME. Please Include .00 for fast Priority-mail with Tracking boxed securely within the USA. nbsp Please contact us for accurate International rates, or with any questions. nbsp Please BUY MORE KEY COMICS nbsp AND SAVE: Additional CGC-Graded books add to the shipping costs nbsp Unslabbed comics add just twenty cents apiece.
0 s to 0 s Add keycomics to your Saved Sellers List if you collect back-issue comics or comic-artwork For more samples from our diverse inventory, including additional UNSURPASSED CGC nbsp X-MEN AND OTHER MARVEL COMICS, plus nbsp unslabbed back-issue comics and nbsp even rare Comic Art, all of which is listed in assorted categories:
CLICK HERE TO SEE OUR OTHER AUCTIONS nbsp Good Luck and Happy Collecting
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